Verify Details
After you submit the request for transportation, our dispatch team will reach out to the designated contact at the referring agency to verify the details. If our dispatch team is unable to get in touch with the designated contact, the transportation may be delayed or even canceled until further communication can be established.
Special Needs Concerns
The dispatch team may have some follow-up questions about the client's needs to make sure they are providing the best possible service. They want to make sure the client is transported in a smooth and efficient manner.
Care For Juveniles
Dispatch will take the necessary steps to ensure the safe transportation of all clients, including juveniles. If the client is a minor, dispatch will ask for the contact information of their parent or guardian. This information will be shared with the driver in case of an emergency during the transport.
Dispatch will reach out to the parent or guardian and provide them with the contact details for Oklahoma Ride Care so they can stay updated or get in touch with the driver or dispatch if needed.
Confirm Acceptance
To make sure everything runs smoothly, dispatch will also confirm the acceptance of the client at the destination facility by contacting their listed contact. If they are unable to reach the destination facility, the transportation may be delayed or even canceled until they are able to make contact and confirm acceptance.
After both pick-up and destination facilities have been confirmed, the transportation request will be assigned to the nearest available driver. The referring entity's contact will be informed of the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for the client pick-up. The destination facility's listed contact will also be given an ETA of when to expect transport to arrive with the client.
When The Driver Arrives
When the driver arrives to pick up the client, you can expect them to arrive within two hours of receiving the submission form. If for any reason the arrival time goes beyond the two hour window, dispatch will provide an explanation.
Dispatch will keep the facilities informed and updated if there is any delay or cancellation of the pickup or drop off.